私家版 楽器の百科事典
Google ロゴの楽器

3月13日 ムハンマド・アブデル・ワッハーブの誕生日(ウード)

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1970年頃、ロバート・モーグ(Robert Moog)が作ったアナログ シンセサイザー

A native of New York City, Moog attended the Bronx High School of Science in New York, graduating in 1952.
Moog earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Queens College, New York in 1957, another in electrical engineering from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in engineering physics from Cornell University.
Moog's awards include honorary doctorates from Polytechnic Institute of New York University (New York City) and Lycoming College (Williamsport, Pennsylvania).

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